There are so many different types of disinfectants available that it’s often difficult to know which ones will work best for your particular circumstances. Most have their advantages and disadvantages, but an EPA registered disinfectant, Sterifab is acknowledged to be among the most efficient and cost-effective disinfectants on the market.
How Does Sterifab Work as a Disinfectant?
Like many disinfectants, Sterifab is an antimicrobial agent that will kill many microorganisms on contact. Unlike antibiotics, which are designed to destroy microorganisms within the body, disinfectants like Sterifab work by destroying the microbes at the cellular level or hindering their basic metabolic functions. That’s why Sterifab is commonly used in hospitals, prisons, dental surgeries, kitchens, bathrooms, offices - anywhere that humans live or work.
The Anywhere, Anytime Disinfectant
One thing that sets Sterifab apart is its versatility - it really is all-purpose. Oftentimes people think that the best disinfectant to use depends on their particular situation. Some brands are designed to kill diverse sorts of microorganisms (these are referred to as being ‘wide spectrum’); others may be designed to eradicate a smaller assortment of microorganisms.
Sterifab, however, does it all. And for decades it has been the disinfectant of choice for a wide variety of institutions, organizations and facilities, including:
Schools and Day Care Centers
Hospitals and Hospital Emergency Rooms
Office Buildings
Veterinary Offices and Animal Kennels
Hotels and Motels
Churches and Houses of Worship
Retirement Homes
College Dormitories
Police Departments and Correctional Facilities
Sterifab is precisely engineered to:
Destroys micro-organisms
Kill fungus
Kill viruses
Kill mold and mildew
Kill germs and disinfects
Destroy pathogenic odors
Plus, it not only reduces the level of microorganisms from a variety of sites, but also functions as a bacteriostatic ̶ inhibiting bacterial growth ̶ and as a highly effective fungistatic, preventing otherwise hard-to-control fungal growth.
Advantages of Using Sterifab as a Disinfectant
Sterifab is a genuinely all-purpose disinfectant and, unlike many other similar products, has a number of features that make it ideal for a multitude of uses. It:
Is effective and convenient to use
Does not stain
Has no added perfume
Has no objectionable odor
Is fast-drying
Is crystal clear
Does not harm fabrics or carpets
Is one of the only non-residual products labeled for use on mattresses and upholstered furniture

How to Choose the Best Disinfectant
When choosing which disinfectant to use ̶ and we hope that Sterifab will be your final choice ̶ there are a couple of basic questions you should ask when you are choosing a disinfectant that best meet your needs:
1. Is it really effective?
Depending on where you intend to use the disinfectant ̶ school, office healthcare facility, hotel, retirement home – your criterion for selection may vary. Fortunately, Sterifab can easily and effectively be used in all of these environments.
2. Is it easy to use?
Some disinfectants require multiple applications and involve steps that can be inconvenient and time-consuming. You really need an easy-to-use use disinfectant
that can successfully tackle everything from bacteria and viruses to fungi and mildew
wherever and whenever needed.
Happily, Sterifab is all of the above. It’s the ‘Anywhere, Anytime Disinfectant’ that you can trust, always!