Getting Rid of Bed Bugs with Sterifab
What Are Bed Bugs?
Bed Bugs are tiny parasites that feed exclusively on blood. They can't fly, but they are fast movers and can travel across floors, walls and ceilings. Then can be found wherever it's warm, in homes, clothing stores, offices, hotel rooms, day care centers, and hospitals, virtually anywhere humans dwell. But they are called "bed bugs" because they are especially drawn to mattresses, bedding and other sleep areas. Although more active at night, bed bugs are not entirely nocturnal.
Like fleas and lice, bed bugs can be tough to get rid of because you have to kill them at all life stages from egg to nymph to adult. Moreover, bed bugs are resilient insects and can go several months without feeding. If you have the slightest suspicion you have a bed bug infestation, don’t hesitate to take action. You may not need to hire a pest control professional, but you'll need a strong, proven product to kill the bed bugs for good.
The pros use Sterifab.
Sterifab is fast drying, non-residual and EPA-approved to kill bed bugs at all life stages.
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs with Sterifab
Here's how to get rid of bed bugs so they never return, in 4 easy steps:
Remove all clutter, such as piles of paper and laundry.
Treat all affected areas with Sterifab bed bug spray.
Vacuum beds, carpets, chairs, curtains and more.
Wash all sheets and bedding in HOT water.
Remember that bed bugs can invade the cleanest of places and victims often have no idea where they came from or how to rid of them!
Need a bed bug treatment - fast?
- Facts About Bed Bugs -
Bed Bugs: What to Look For
Bed bugs are small, oval and brownish in color. Adult bed bugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed. After feeding, their bodies swell and turn a reddish color. They usually enter a home undetected, carried in with luggage, clothing, used beds and couches and other innocuous items.
Unfortunately, their flat bodies make it easy for them to fit into very small tiny spaces. Bed bugs can quickly and easily spread from bedrooms to other rooms or apartments.
Unlike ants or bees, bed bugs don’t make nests, but they do have a tendency to live in groups. Their primary hiding places are mattresses, box springs, bed frames and headboards, where they have easy access to their main source of blood ̶ people. That's also why it's so hard to know what gets rid of bed bugs.

Read about bed bug treatment and how to rid yourself of bed bugs.
Why Use Sterifab?
First, it's what the pros use.
Moreover, it's effective, non-residual and super easy to use. It's potent, crystal clear and odorless.
Sterifab is the only EPA-registered product that is approved for killing all stages of bed bugs. Plus, it is also a virucide, a disinfectant and an insecticide. With just a few sprays, it will do more than just kill bed bugs. The tried and tested formula kills a wide range of pests including lice, ticks, dust mites and scabies. Plus, it also gets rid of mold and mildew.
Better still, Sterifab leaves no trace. 15 minutes after spraying, you can go right back into the room, where it leaves no odor and no residue.
First introduced in 1967, Sterifab has gone on to become one of the best-known and effective insecticides/disinfectants on the market.
Don Haynes, a commentator with MSNBC, called Sterifab, “a super mixture of virucide, bactericide, fungicide, insecticide, germicide, and 5 or 6 other ingredients."
Use Sterifab to Prevent Future Bed Bug Infestations
Remember, bed bugs can hide virtually anywhere. Their small size makes it easy for them to squeeze into really small hiding places. Bed bugs can be found in the seams of chairs and couches, between cushions and in the folds of curtains; in household appliances, kitchen utensils, bookcases, even pictures and wall hangings. They’ve even been found in electrical sockets and laptop computers.
Fortunately, Sterifab can be used effectively on everything except people, animals, cooking utensils, waxed or oiled surfaces such as finished leather and wood, etc.
And it’s a multipurpose product! In addition to getting rid of bed bugs, ticks, fleas and other insects, Sterifab:
Deodorizes and controls odor-causing organisms.
Sanitizes and deodorizes restrooms.
Has no added perfume or unpleasant odor.
Dries in 15-20 minutes, is biodegradable and leaves no residue.
Is one of the only non-residual products labeled for use on mattresses and upholstered furniture.

Use Sterifab Anywhere
Sterifab is a powerful and very potent agent for eliminating insects, fungus and odors. One of its many advantages is that it’s engineered to do more than eradicate bed bugs and other insects. It also:
This is why Sterifab has been the bed bug treatment of choice for a wide variety of institutions and facilities, including:
Schools and Daycare Centers
Hospitals and Hospital Emergency Rooms
Office Buildings
Veterinary Offices and Animal Kennels
Hotels and Motels
Churches and Houses of Worship
Retirement Homes
College Dormitories
Correctional Facilities