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Getting Rid of Scorpions with Sterifab

A Bit About Scorpions

Loosely related to spiders, ticks and other crawling pests, scorpions can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They prefer dry-to-desert conditions, and are more common in hot climates.


Scorpions are widely feared for their dangerous sting, but in North America there is only one species of scorpion that is deadly to humans—the bark scorpion.


That said, every scorpion does have venom in its stinger that can cause pain or discomfort to both people and animals. A scorpion sting poses a more significant threat to pets, or to people with certain preexisting health conditions.


Sterifab is EPA-approved as an effective killer of scorpions at every stage of development, making it the perfect weapon to handle everything from random appearances to severe infestations.

How to Get Rid of Scorpions with Sterifab

Here’s how to get rid of Scorpions in 5 easy steps:

  1. Search for signs of scorpions, such as molted skin and small burrows.

  2. Use a flashlight or UV blacklight to find scorpions at night.

  3. Apply Sterifab to shady or damp areas in your home.

  4. Fix leaky pipes and hoses that may tempt scorpions.

  5. Seal up any potential entry points to your home.

- Facts About Scorpions -

Why You Want to Get Rid of Scorpions

scorpion sterifab

Do Scorpions Lay Eggs?


No. Scorpion mothers give birth to a live litter of “scorplings,” which look like mini versions of adults without the hard exoskeleton. Scorplings spend the first weeks of their lives clinging to their mother’s back, giving you a small window of time to catch many at once before they disperse.

Where Should I Look for Scorpions?


During the day, scorpions dwell in shady spots where they can escape the hot sun. All scorpions create burrows with horizontal entrances matching the low profile of their bodies. They are most active at night, but their exoskeletons glow under a UV blacklight, making them easy to spot with the right equipment.

Do Scorpions Come Indoors?


Yes. Scorpions are attracted to cool, damp places, including kitchens and bathrooms. Pantries, cellars and laundry baskets are also popular indoor scorpion hideouts.

What Should I Do If I Spot a Scorpion in My House?


Considering the risk that the scorpion could be fatally venomous, it is safer to kill it rather than capturing it to release outdoors. Wearing thick gloves and shoes, spray the scorpion with Sterifab and trap it under a bucket if it tries to get away before searching your home for any signs of a larger problem.

What Should I Do If I’ve Been Stung by a Scorpion?


  1. Clean the affected area with water and soap.

  2. If you recognize the scorpion species as potentially deadly, seek immediate medical attention.

  3. If you are unsure what kind of scorpion stung you, apply a cool compress to the sting and monitor yourself for symptoms including numbness throughout your body, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, salivation or difficulty breathing. Seek immediate medical care if you experience any of these symptoms.

  4. If pain and irritation is relatively limited to the sting area, take over-the-counter pain killers as needed and wait 24-48 hrs for symptoms to subside.

How Can I Tell What Type of Scorpion Bit Me?


The Bark Scorpion is the only deadly scorpion species in the United States. They are relatively small, about 2.7 - 3.1 inches long, with slender bodies and long tails. Their coloring ranges from yellow to orange, depending on when they last molted. If you are outside of the US, the types of species will vary from country to country. As a rule of thumb, keep in mind that smaller species of scorpions and those with small claws tend to be more dangerous.

Marble Floor
Sterifab disinfectant

Concerned You May Have a Scorpion Problem? 

Want an all-in-one solution that is also effective against viruses, bacteria, mold, rodents, spiders, fleas, ticks, bed bugs and more? Use what the professionals use, try Sterifab today!

Did You Know?

Sterifab does more than get rid of Scorpions! You can also use it to:

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