Whether or not you think climate change is a man-made event or part of a larger sub-cyclical trend related to a natural, long-term weather pattern, there’s no denying the fact that global temperatures are rising and that our interlinked ecosystems are changing. Last year was the third hottest on record in the US, with an average temperature of 54.6 degrees Fahrenheit — that's a whopping 2.6 degrees F above average.
Climate Change and Bugs
In addition to the impact of climate change on melting icecaps, rising seas, human habitats and countless animals, climate change will also influence the smaller creatures among us. I'm talking about bugs.
Reliable research indicates that warming weather and shifting precipitation are together having a profound effect on both the geographic spread and longevity of a number of disease-carrying insects.

Reading the Signs
Take the case of the common mosquito (Culicidae). There are actually 3,000 species of mosquitoes in the world today and they transmit more diseases than any other creature. And mosquito-spread diseases are especially affected by climate change. Since they lay their eggs in standing water, it should come as no surprise that wetter weather provides mosquitos with habitats that are particularly agreeable.
In addition to spreading malaria, encephalitis and West Nile Virus, mosquitoes can also transmit a disease that’s little known here in the US but is one of the world's most common diseases ̶ Dengue Fever. Each year in the US approximately 1,500 people contract malaria, and between 1999 and 2012 1,500 people are reported to have died after contracting West Nile Virus.
Many Bugs Love the Warmer Weather
This is clearly a problem, but the impact of climate change extends well beyond these particular insects. Fleas, ticks and bed bugs also love the warmer weather. Then there’s the lowly tick. It may look harmless, but it’s not. In fact, ticks have been linked to infections such as Typhus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (which can be fatal), Lyme disease and other lesser-known diseases like Q Fever, Tularaemia, Bovine Anaplasmosis and Meningoencephalitis.
Of course, you can find ticks virtually anywhere, but you certainly don’t want them in your home or office. So, you need to know how to get rid of ticks quickly and effectively. They generally wait for host animals (your dog, your cat, even you) on grasses and shrubs. Then, when an unsuspecting victim brushes against them, they let go of the vegetation and climb onto the host. And by the way, we do mean ‘crawl’ as ticks cannot fly or jump.
So since it looks like bugs will be an ever-increasing presence in our lives, it behooves all of us to know how to protect ourselves and how to get rid of bugs from our homes and offices.
Every bug needs a special approach but most of them can be eradicated quickly with Sterifab. We won't go into depth here about how to get rid of scabies or mites, but we'll offer a quick overview of getting rid of ticks, fleas and bed bugs. So grab a pen and paper and order a bottle of Sterifab.
Here’s what you do . . .
First, you have to remove any ticks from humans or animals and treat the animals with a spray or medicine designed specifically for ridding animals of ticks.
Second, you must destroy all animal bedding, and spray any indoor infected areas thoroughly with Sterifab spray. This should be done repeatedly all animal quarters and surrounding areas. And please make sure there are no animals around when you spray. In fact, you should never spray animals with Sterifab. Instead, they should be treated with appropriate tick spray designed specifically for use with animals.
Third, and last, don’t let any of your animals re-enter the infected areas until they have been treated.
Read more about how to get rid of ticks.
Some think that fleas are relatively harmless, but again, that’s just not true! In fact, they can cause a variety of medical problems, including flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), the transmission of tapeworms, secondary skin irritations, and, albeit rarely, anaemia.
Unfortunately, the most reliable indication that you have a flea problem will be flea bites, which produce raised, swollen spots with a perforation points at their centre. The bites frequently develop in groups, or lines, of two or three bites; and they are sometimes inflamed for several weeks at a time. Plus, when they attack animals, fleas can cause hair loss, largely due to the animal scratching and biting itself.
Since 75% of a flea’s life is passed somewhere other than the animal that brought it into your house or office, simply treating the pet won’t work. The pet’s environment must also be dealt with. An ideal way to get rid of fleas is by using Sterifab. It will quickly get rid of fleas in your house, office, in fact, anywhere.
Not only can Sterifab be used to treat virtually any inanimate object or location, there are no other products registered with the U.S EPA can make these claims – viricide, bactericide, sanitizer, insecticide, deodorant, germicide, disinfectant, mildewcide, fungicide, bacteriostatic or fungistatic.
Read more about how to get rid of fleas.
Bed bugs prefer warm places: Houses, offices, hotel room, day care centres, hospitals, etc. But, they’re especially drawn to beds, bedding or other sleep areas. And you’ll find them hiding in places like mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards, where they have easy access to their main source of blood ̶ people.
Fortunately, bed bugs don’t transmit or spread disease, but they do play a role in other public health issues. Plus, their presence can have a profound psychological effect on people living in infested homes; anxiety, insomnia and systemic reactions have all been reported. Bottom line: You how to get rid of bed bugs‒fast!
Read more about how to get rid of bed bugs.
So, reach for the Sterifab, which has number of features that make it ideal for eliminating bed bugs. It is:
Easy to use and will not stain
Fast drying and completely clear
Not harmful to fabrics or carpets
One of the only non-residual products labeled for use on mattresses and upholstered furniture
Climate Change and Our Future World
So, given that the climate, world-wide, is changing we will have to deal with the fact that new temperatures and rain patterns will affect where insects live, as well as their feeding and breeding patterns.
Among the infortune results of these changes is the fact that the normal range of many insects will expand greatly, moving ever Northward and climbing to elevations that, up until now, would have proved fatal to many species. We also have to factor in the increase in insect reproduction rates that will occur as temperatures climb. Breeding seasons will be longer and may well speed the development of disease causing-agents (bacteria, viruses, etc.) that have, until now, been contained by traditional climate conditions.
There is also a chance that these climate changes may see an accompanying increase in the frequency and geographical distribution of diseases.
Use Sterifab
We don’t want to be scaremongers but faced with these kinds of threats you should be aware that Sterifab is not only the perfect way to get rid of scabies, fleas, and bed bugs, but is also a powerful agent for eliminating a wide variety of insects, fungus and odors. One of its many advantages is that it’s engineered to do more than eradicate bed bugs and other insects. It also:
Destroys micro-organisms
Kills fungus
Kills viruses
Kills mold and mildew
Kills germs and disinfects
Read more about the many, many uses of Sterifab.