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Sterifab: EPA-Registered and Ready to Use

Sterifab™ is the only EPA Registered Virucide, Disinfectant and Insecticide

Writer's pictureNoel McCarthy

Pest Control in Correctional Facilities

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Correctional Facility - cell

Of all the problems encountered by correctional officers- such as prison overcrowding, funding gaps, staff safety and inmate violence, staff shortages, to name but a few- the one issue that rarely makes these lists is pest control. And it’s an ongoing problem, compounded by ageing, often substandard buildings; lack of training and technology shortfalls; prisoner hygiene, or the lack thereof; even the forbidden presence of foodstuffs in cells.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that all of these problems, in toto, are magnified by the rate at which the US incarcerates people. As of 2019, there were some 2.3 million inmates (an astonishing rate of 698 per 100,000 citizens) residing in correctional facilities across the country. Local jails hold some 612,000 individuals, while federal institutions house 221,000. Not surprisingly, state prisons account for the vast majority of those incarcerated: some 1,306,000 people.

Pests Are an Equal-Opportunity Problem

It’s true: virtually every pest you can name- bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches, mites, lice, ticks, rats and mice- will at some time or other invade the buildings and/or offices in which you work. It’s inevitable; they are no respecters of persons!

For example, here are some newspaper stories, uncovered with little difficulty, that underline the problem:

“The Los Angeles Police Department Wednesday was forced to close its Pacific

station jail, located at 12312 Culver Blvd. in the Del Rey neighborhood of

Westside L.A., after exterminators confirmed [a bed bug] infestation.” - CBS

or. . .

“Dozens of inmates have been moved out of three pods at the Oklahoma County

jail due to a month-long bed bug infestation. "We've basically taken everybody

out of the areas in the meantime, and hopefully they won't spread” sheriff's

department spokesman Mark Opgrande said. The infestation was first noticed

about a month ago, and [efforts to] eradicate them were unsuccessful. - Oklahoman

These stories both came from local jails. So, imagine how hard it is to successfully deal with a pest infestation in a prison with hundreds of inmates! And let’s face it, moving a large number of prisoners between cell blocks, or even to outside facilities temporarily, is a logistical nightmare. To say nothing of the inherent threat of violence to prions staff.

So, even if your state has contracts with professional pest management companies (and many do) they are often summoned only when an infestation is especially bad. The rest of the time it’s likely up you, the corrections officers, to address the problem- personally!

The Dos and Don’ts of Pest Control

There was a time when pest control was an ad hoc, informal affair. As one former inmate (and now extremely successful, licensed pest control professional with his own company) reports that prisons would often set up systems that:

“For $25.00 a guard or maintenance employee can take a 15-question test

and have a limited license and thereby cut the hard-working entrepreneur

out of a gig. This saves the tax payers I guess and allows an inmate to run

the halls with a B&G sprayer hosing down the concrete walls at their base

just to say a wing or hall was done.”

Just file that one in the ‘Don’ts’ drawer.

But seriously, pest control does often come down to guards or maintenance workers having to shoulder the burden. With that in mind, here are some tips that might help you with your own pest control efforts:

  1. Make sure that every pest eradication procedure or treatment you undertake is in strict compliance with the regulations and rules established by your state and/or local authorities. Keep in mind that the particular county in which you work may have additional requirements regarding pest control.

  2. Inspect every building (and its grounds) to determine whether various pests are actually present.

  3. Make whatever minor repairs will prevent pests from entering the facility, e.g., filling holes in walls; recaulking, where necessary; repairing screens and loose windows

  4. Check your pest control equipment (e.g., cleaning spray tips, checking hoses for holes or cracks, inspecting holding tanks, etc.) so that it can be relied upon when needed.

  5. Always, always, work together with public health officials during any inspection to identify whatever changes need to made so as to be in compliance with existing rules/regulations.

  6. Even though it may not be required by state and/or local regulations, you should always keep detailed records and reports of all your pest control activities, including pests encountered, when and where, actions taken, materials used (i.e. pesticides, foggers, etc), and the results.

How to Prevent Infestations in Prison Long Term

As anyone who has ever worked in a correctional institution will tell you, pest control is an ongoing affair: a ceaseless fight to contain the various types of insects that are attracted to densely populated buildings that may, or may not, aspire to the highest levels of cleanliness and hygiene. From week to week and month to month it makes sense to set up a preventative pest control plan that will enable you to take care of the operating requirements of your institution. In fact, this may well be mandated by your state and/or local authorities.

For the best long-term results your pest control program should contain the following elements:

  1. Pest control procedures — What is needed to control each type of pest. The required procedures should be detailed and include a timetable for all the necessary actions.

  2. Record-keeping — Detailed documentation of each procedure. These records should be accurate, up-to-date, and include inspection check lists.

  3. Designated individuals — A list of the individuals responsible for discharging pest control operations and record-keeping. (Note: this should also include the name of the supervisor responsible for signing off on documentation.

  4. Corrective measures —Written directions for the steps undertaken if the current action plan deviates in any substantial way from the established pest control program.

  5. Verification and validation — Documented and verifiable evidence that the agreed- upon procedures are effective at controlling pests. (Note: It is also useful to keep visual, as well as written, proof that the procedures- and materials/chemicals used are effective.

Picking the Best Insecticide

Assuming that you have followed our advice, you have still to decide which of the many insecticides currently available you are going to use. In some cases, this choice may have already been made for you: Your state and/or local authorities might have already determined which pest control chemicals you can use. It is obviously in your best interest- both legally and practically- if you follow the rules. Always!

If, on the other hand, you are allowed to select the insecticide you are going to use, we suggest that you consider Sterifab®.

There are many good reasons you should select us. For example:

  1. Sterifab kills a wide variety of insects, including lice, ticks, dust mites, centipedes, bed bugs, fleas, sowbugs, ants, silverfish, roaches, and firebrats, among others.

  2. Sterifab is also a powerful viricide and disinfectant. In the age of coronavirus, this added feature is a total game changer. Plus, it’s the only EPA-approved insecticide and disinfectant in one.

  3. Sterifab deodorizes and controls odor-causing organisms.

  4. It also kills fungus, mold and mildew.

  5. Sterifab dries in 15-20 minutes, is biodegradable and leaves no residue.

Sterifab is used by many correctional facilities across the United States.

If you’d like to learn more about applying Sterifab, contact us.

Sterifab products

AUTHOR’s NOTE: This blog is not meant to question or in any way challenge the criminal prevention policies and processes put in place by federal, state, and local authorities. Nor is it our intention to cast doubt on the legitimacy of such things as sentencing guidelines, enforcement regulations, or engage in debates about the pros and cons of various penological theories and practices.



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